Thrillophilia Northeast Review Through the Lens of Ranipa

Thrillophilia Northeast Review Through the Lens of Ranipa

I’m a video blogger, constantly on the lookout for new adventures to embark on and share travel stories through my lens.

This time, my partner and I set our eyes on the beautiful and magical Northeast India—more specifically, the serene hills of Sikkim and the tea-covered slopes of Darjeeling. We had heard so much about this region, but seeing it for ourselves was an experience beyond anything we could have imagined.

Instead of handling the trip logistics myself, as I often do, we decided to book through Thrillophilia, a travel site that my blogger friends have been raving about for ages.

Boy, did that save me time and energy! Thrillophilia handled everything from stay to activities, leaving us with only one job—soaking in the incredible beauty of Sikkim.

Serene Lakes, Majestic Peaks, and Unexpected Companions
From the moment we arrived in Gangtok, we were greeted by the crisp mountain air and stunning landscapes that stretched as far as the eye could see.

There's something so serene, almost poetic, about the Himalayan atmosphere.

As we journeyed through the twisting roads, lined with fluttering prayer flags, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. Here, amidst the towering peaks, I realised why people call Sikkim the ‘Hidden Paradise.’ It’s as if time slows down, letting you soak in the beauty of nature, one breath at a time.

Our first major adventure was Tsomgo Lake—a place so stunning, it almost didn’t feel real. As we stood by the crystal-clear lake, surrounded by snow-clad mountains, I couldn’t help but think of the quote: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” And there we were, heart and soul, lost in the breathtaking beauty of this magical place.

The lake mirrored the sky so perfectly, that I found myself staring for what felt like hours, taking in every ripple and reflection.

And, of course, what’s a road trip through Sikkim without a few quirky experiences?

So, while heading to Pelling, we met a troop of friendly dogs who seemed to follow us everywhere. I’m not kidding, these adorable furballs would pop up at every other stop, wagging their tails and looking like they wanted to join our adventure.

I like to think of them as our unofficial tour guides. Every time we stopped at a scenic spot, there was a new set of doggos—ready for their close-up in my videos!

“It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”
Our journey from Gangtok to Pelling took us through dense forests, picturesque valleys, and charming little villages that made me feel like we were driving through a movie set.

Ravangla was one of those stops that made me gasp. The sheer grandeur of the Buddha Park, with its towering 130-foot-high Shakyamuni Buddha, left us awestruck.

It’s hard to explain, but there’s a certain calmness that overcomes you when you stand in front of such a massive, peaceful figure. You feel like all your worries have evaporated, leaving you to focus on the beauty of the moment.

Pelling was magical. Our hotel offered sweeping views of Mt. Kanchenjunga, and the sunrise here is something I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

You know that moment when the sky blushes with the first light of dawn, and the peaks begin to glow? That’s what I woke up to every morning in Pelling.

Khecheopalri Lake, our next stop, is said to be a wish-fulfilling lake. Whether or not that’s true, I whispered my wish into the breeze, hoping the serene waters would carry it somewhere special.

And then came the monasteries—the silent guardians of these hills. Khecheopalri and Pemayangtse monasteries were so peaceful, they made me want to hit pause on life for a while.

Like it’s said, “Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.”

Ah! The Tea Spell…
Our trip wouldn’t have been complete without a visit to Darjeeling— the land of tea, mist, and magical sunrises! Thrillophilia had us stay at a hilltop hotel that looked straight out of a postcard, overlooking endless green slopes and the iconic tea gardens.

We spent our evenings sipping the local brew and watching the world go by. If there’s one thing you should know about Darjeeling, it’s that tea isn’t just a drink—it’s a way of life.

And let me tell you, it tastes a thousand times better when you’re drinking it fresh from the source.

But Darjeeling wasn’t just about tea for us.

We woke up at an ungodly hour one morning to visit Tiger Hill, where the magic of the sunrise over Mt. Kangchenjunga left us both speechless.

“Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully,” but I’d argue that sunrises like this one are proof that every day can start beautifully too.

Also, if you ever go to Darjeeling, make sure to visit the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute. As someone who loves adventure, this place was pure gold. We also visited the zoo, where I had my first encounter with a red panda! I’ve got some great shots of that little guy to share.

And yes, more dogs followed us around here too—at one point, we almost named one, because it felt like they were as much a part of the trip as we were!

A Trip One For The Books
Reflecting on this trip, I can’t help but smile.

North East India has a way of sneaking into your soul. Every view, every mountain, every encounter with nature made me fall more in love with this hidden gem of India.

Thrillophilia made it all so easy, allowing us to focus on what really mattered—the experience.  This trip was surely one for the books. And I can’t wait for its next chapter!

So, if you’re a traveller like me, always on the hunt for new experiences, I’d say pack your bags and head to Sikkim. Trust me, you’ll leave with memories that will stay with you forever.

Read more: Thrillophilia North East Reviews