From India to Europe- Raghavendra’s Travel Story is All About Bridging Differences

From India to Europe- Raghavendra’s Travel Story is All About Bridging Differences

It was not the first time that they travelled with Thrillophilia. And like all other times, they had a lovely experience. But this time, they went international!

Mr. and Mrs. Ragavendra Reddy had gone on a Europe trip for their fifth anniversary. The last five years together have been full of travelling and trying out new experiences- from eating bamboo shoots in Meghalaya to houseboat riding in Kerala. But this was their first time making it out of India.

Iss saal, Europe ke naam!

They got their visa and tickets all done from there. Since they already travelled with Thrillophilia before, they knew the drill. But what they needed the most was a proper counselling session where they would be informed about the terrain, currency, and what to expect overall. Unfortunately, they had to miss this session because of some emergency…

They had been assigned to Mr. Jatin, their coordinator for the trip. He helped them explain all the travel passes, vouchers, and coupons for an easy journey. It was all confusing for the Reddy’s in the beginning, but eventually, things sorted themselves out!

Getting the final itinerary, all the required numbers of drivers and on-ground representatives, and the complete confirmation details of flights, hotels, and visas, helped them prepare for the trip well.

Nothing can stop a venturing heart
Likewise, nothing can stop a wanderlust soul from exploring.

Raghavendra and his wife both were quite keen on exploring Europe. They had only 11 days in hand and they wanted to make the best of it. Knowing this, Thrillophilia’s team had curated a well-drawn trip starting from Paris, including major stays in Switzerland, and a small amount of time in Italy. It was not enough to cover the whole destination, but it was as best as it could get.

The first thing on their list, and their itinerary, was visiting the world-famous monument of the Eiffel Tower. It was a treat to the eyes, especially in the evening. After spending a romantic time there, the couple moved for an exquisite dinner cruise on the River Seine.

The three-course dinner served on the cruise was truly finger-licking good!

First arrived French cheese, lots of them and varieties of them!
Second came Duck confit and Steak Fries.
The third, and the best one was Eclairs and Macarons.

The lovely bakery scene of France deserved a chef’s kiss!

The next day in Paris was spent having a marvellous time. They started with a croissant coffee/hot chocolate breakfast and then moved to the enchanting Disneyland!

However they encountered issues, the currency was a bit confusing. Their trust in Thrillophilia’s team paid off when they helped them in exchanging their currency. It was in a Gelato shop when Raghavendra realised that he did not have enough cash on him for the ice cream, so he called up Jatin who guided him through the exchange process and till he made the payment.

The transport system was also a bit perplexing, there were passes and vouchers for everything. Since they did not require them as such in France, they opted for cab rides whenever going out on their own, besides this, all their transportation was majorly handled by Thrillophilia. This issue was cleared by Jatin as well, despite having different timelines he went beyond his office hours to help the couple.

Rolling through the Swiss!

Thrillophilia’s on-ground representatives of Switzerland welcomed their batch of travellers for an unforgettable experience here. As expected, the Swiss beauty made for an unparalleled experience for all of them, especially the Reddys.

It was their first experience of travelling in Euro Rail and Swiss Rail, two of the major places where the passes came into use. They saw the scenery change gradually on the way, leading to the dreamy destination of Switzerland.

But Raghavendra’s mind was drifting off to the thought that appeared again and again throughout the journey-

This rail journey was so different from that of India! I was unwilling to take the rail because I thought it would be hectic…but this is better than flying! So comfortable and clean!

They made most of their journey through Switzerland through buses and trains. They went to museums in Zurich, Mt. Titlis and the glacier at 3020m, the famous  Rhine Falls, and Interlaken too. Jungfraujoch was also covered in their itinerary, an excursion that left them spellbound. It was the highest accessible place in Europe through the railway.

They took a gondola ride to the summit of Jungfraujoch, from where the entire landscape looked unreal. They could see peak after peak, at the base of which lay vast expanses of green meadows… occasionally dotted with some red-roofed houses. The whole visual seemed to be a sensational Alpine experience, just like they show in the movies or are written in the books.

Raghavendra wished to go into one such house and have a local meal, so that day, while returning they stopped at a local restaurant to savour some authentic Swiss cuisine. Rosti, Swiss Cheese, Raclette, and others made it to their plates and were goggled up within minutes.

Finally, Italy!
Milan, Italy’s ‘Moral Capital’ and the homeland of luxury, hosts the best luxury brands in the world like Gucci and Prada.

Raghavendra and his wife spent a lively evening shopping and bar-hopping, getting to know the local essence of Europe by chatting with the regional people there.

The next day they went on sightseeing tours to Lake Como and the villages of Bellagio and Varenna. This deepened their understanding of the European way of living, encountering multiple cultures and languages!

It was an eye-opening episode for them and a perfect end to their 11-day-long trip.




After coming back to Hyderabad, they got in touch with Thrillophilia to give them a spotless review of their trip. Being a repeat customer, they were already pleased with their services. But this trip elevated their trust to the next level.

However, there was one thing that they learnt from the trip, something that did not come from Thrillophilia or anyone they met in Europe-

The difference in the way of being of both countries seemed shocking at the beginning of the trip, but getting used to them was all about adaptability. And we, being humans, have that quality built in us. So, no matter how much we idolise the lifestyle of Europe, given the right infrastructure and facilities, India could be that way as well!

They let this thought sink in. And there was a light of hope in their hearts- to witness India embrace its originality, and take it to the top.

Read More: Thrillophilia Europe Reviews