A Quest to Paradise- Priyank’s Family Trip to Kashmir with Thrillophilia

A Quest to Paradise- Priyank’s Family Trip to Kashmir with Thrillophilia

Paradise on Earth.

This is the nickname of Kashmir, as you all know.

But do you know how it gained its name?

Because Amir Khusro, the Great Poet had said so.

Priyank’s son, Lakshay, 10, did not know this until he started reading about the place just when their family trip got confirmed. Being a curious kid, he researched further, found the name of Amir Khusro, and started reading about him.

By the date of departure, he was quite adept with the general knowledge of Jammu and Kashmir.

Mercy, mercy, mercy
Srinagar, the City of Lakes.

It was the first stop of their journey. The heavenly scenery of the city not only soothes the heart, it also calms the soul. Lakshya had never seen such a place where lakes and mountains co-exist together. And such alpine beauty!


He said.

They spent a leisurely day and returned to bed early to energise themselves well for the next day. But Lakshay did not like this, he wanted to stay here for one more day and explore the city. Specifically, he wanted to go to Shalimar Bagh.

He did not know that they were to return to Srinagar again for a complete tour and also a Shikara ride!

He was thrilled to hear that and finally went to sleep.

The next morning they went for the famous Gulmarg Gondola Ride. It was such a beautiful experience and left them all speechless. They took a ride from Gulmarg to Kongdoori, and then to Marry Shoulder, witnessing the snow-clad landscapes, the second-highest golf course in the world!

They also had a great time skiing down the slopes of Gulmarg, making snowballs and throwing them at each other. They all rejoiced in the moment, forgetting about everything else, and just had fun with each other.

It is always said that a happy family is a healthy family!

Quite out of the way
The next day they headed to Sonmarg, the Meadow of Gold. While some of the family members went to play with the snow around Thajiwas Glacier, some decided to stop at the Sindh River and try their hand at fishing. Lakshay was one of them.

When he was asked, “Why won't you go, you don't want to play with snow?”

“No, I would rather learn fishing, it can come in handy if I ever have to stay in a camp”, he replied.

A bit surprised, his father allowed it. He also taught him how to fish, and he learnt how to fish in mountainous rivers from the guide. They had a memorable experience that day, and they were even delighted with some catches. Their guide arranged for a small fire in the shelter of two big boulders, where they cooked the fish.

By dusk, the snow players called, and we all went there to pick them up and head back to the hotel. It seemed that everyone had their own kind of fun on this day.

Pahalgam, the Valley of Shepherds, was all about extraordinary gorges and magnificent valleys. They had a lovely tour of the region, and they even visited Chandanwari, the famous snow bridge that is the starting point of the Amarnath yatra.

They were all enchanted by the beauty of Kashmir. They realised that no photographs or videos can match the experience of living one thing with oneself.

No wonder it is such a unique and precious destination to visit!

A Treat to the Curious Mind

The words came out of his mouth as if like a reflex. Lakshay was staring at the carving in Shalimar Bagh in Srinagar. It was a saying of Amir Khusro…

“Agar firdaus bar roo-e zameen ast,

Hameen ast-o hameen ast-o hameen ast”


“If there is a paradise on earth,

It is this, it is this, it is this.”

This quote had inspired Lakshay so much that it stayed with him. But there was a difference in reading the quote online and seeing the scripture upfront. He now knew what this paradise was, and he agreed with it completely.

Kashmir is the paradise, it is truly the paradise on earth.

Lakshay was finally happy, having found the carving in Shalimar Bagh. No, he could not read Urdu, but in a time of Google lens, who needs to carry dictionaries?

His parents were somewhat shocked to see him put so much effort on finding this couplet. Although it took them an extra hour to complete the sightseeing tour of Srinagar, they did not complain. They all were feeling content with one aspect of the trip or the other.

Priyank and his wife gave Thrillophilia a big thumbs-up when we contacted them for a review. They also explained to us all the points where our services exceeded their expectations, and where we could have done better.

So, with a heavy box of memories and experiences, the Patel family finally returned back to Pune, only to relive the days through the timeless pictures clicked on this trip!

Read More: Thrillophilia Kashmir Reviews